If you want to live and work onboard a cruise ship, you’ve come to the right place.
More and larger ships are being built so cruise lines are always hiring, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get a job on a ship.
We offer you practical and accurate information that will help you to secure your dream job.
Let’s get started!
Applying For Cruise Ship Jobs . . .

Preparing for the Interview
Helpful tips to prepare plus a list of questions you may be asked at the interview.

Preparing Your Resume
Learn how to design an application, resume or CV that will make your qualifications shine.

8 Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Getting The Job
What you should and shouldn’t do when applying for cruise ship employment.

The 2 Ways To Apply For A Shipboard Job
Learn the difference between applying to the cruise line directly or through an agent.

What The Cruise Lines Are Looking For
Basic qualifications and the 4 qualities that cruise lines are looking for.

Arriving At The Ship
When you first arrive at the port, it will be an incredible experience to see this massive ship

Ship cabins are cozy so you many want to pack on the light side. You will likely share

Crew Amenities
The cruise line tries to make their crew members as comfortable as possible. There will be a mini-store

Shore Leave
You will be able to go ashore in most ports if your work schedule permits. But keep in

Not every day is smooth sailing. During the rougher days you may feel a little nauseated, dizzy and

The Captain
The Captain is the ship’s Master. All departments must answer to the Captain. Every crew

Hotel Department
Hotel Manager The Hotel Manager is a member of the ship’s senior management team. This

Cruise Staff Department
The cruise staff department of the ship is responsible for arranging entertainment and other recreational

Steward Department
Onboard the ship, the Steward Department provides services related to housekeeping and those that work

Food and Beverage Department
Entry-level employees in the Food and Beverage department are usually citizens from the flag country
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
- Mark Twain